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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院


Launched in September 2023 after a year-long collaborative effort involving various stakeholders, “创更强未来2025”(CSF2025)是一项为期三年的计划,旨在为香港社会提供优质教育. Positioned to adapt to the dynamic demands of today's workforce, this strategic plan is imbued with our commitment to anti-racism and trauma-informed practices. CSF2025 outlines four 战略方向 to chart the College's course to 2025 and beyond.

探索我们的进步, 策略, 以及我们渴望做出的有影响力的改变, 深入研究以下三个关键资源:

  • 发布mg电子试玩app:
    揭开我们战略计划的开端, 《MG免费游戏试玩平台》(CSF2025), 通过这个 mg电子试玩app故事 that captures the excitement and collaborative effort that marked its launch in September 2023.
  • 计划的故事图:
    导航 through the strategic landscape of CSF2025 with our interactive StoryMap. This visual guide provides a 全面的 overview of the plan's key elements, 战略方向, and the trajectory it sets for our college's future.
  • 年度进度报告:
    深入研究我们成就的细节, 策略, 以及我们渴望做出的有影响力的改变 by reviewing our 2023年度进度报告. The data presented in this year's report serves as a baseline for the KPIs, 随着新信息的出现,未来的报告将提供更新的指标和更新的调查数据.

CSF2025 -战略方向

Develop as an anti-racist, trauma-informed college.
  1. Demonstrate the public institutional commitment of Saint Paul college to becoming an anti-racist, 创伤告知机构,并通过纵向和横向的机构结构在内部嵌入这一承诺
  2. 通过反种族主义审查政策手册, trauma informed lens and change policies that provide barriers to equity
  3. 吸引, 雇佣, 并保留BIPOC的教职员工,同时支持和扩大学院平权行动计划中概述的目标
  4. 通过增加知识的举措,发展和维持反种族主义创伤专业人员的员工基础, 技能, 以及所有大学员工的能力.
  5. 为制定公平优先事项提供资源
  6. 在整个学术经历中融入学院的承诺,并通过文化响应反种族主义创伤的课程和教学法改善教学
  7. 为了解工作重点以及对进展和所有优先领域进行基准测试提供支持
  1. 通过加强学术课程和促进创新教学和规划,使学术组合最大化
  2. 创造并维持一个清晰的, coherent and inspiring academic environment for all students, 支持ing their journey from orientation to commencement and on to employment.
    1. 构建 and 增强 holistic 支持 that contributes to educational success.
    2. 修订和实施mg电子试玩app策略,以加强我们的承诺,增加弱势学生的受教育机会,并为有不同学术需求的学生提供服务
    3. Increase efforts to retain, facilitate transfer, and graduate students
Strengthen the organizational culture by encouraging collaboration, 透明的沟通, 优化操作.
  1. Strengthen organizational culture to prioritize a positive and engaging environment that nurtures innovation and creativity; encourages contributions; and develops compassion and respect towards other’s ideas and views.
  2. Provide development opportunities that strengthen employee roles as leaders, 导师, 教育工作者, and 增强 the quality of teaching and learning.
  3. Optimize operations that improve space utilization, 采用创新技术, and increase data-fluency that prioritize student success.
  4. 加强校园各部门之间的沟通, 分歧, 团队通过有意的, 恭敬地分享想法
构建, 增强, 维持与社区合作伙伴的关系,以应对我们社区不断变化的经济和劳动力需求,并为一个更加社会公正的世界做出贡献.
  1. 加强和发展战略伙伴关系
  2. 通过与K- 12联盟建立积极和持续的关系,增加周边高中地区的市场份额
  3. Utilize a 全面的 and focused strategy to develop, 支持, and promote community engagement and philanthropy
  4. Advance public awareness of Saint Paul College through innovative, 全面的, 动态品牌, 市场营销, 推广策略




Saint Paul College engages in sy阀杆atic divisional and operational planning. Divisional and 运营计划 align with the College’s strategic plan, 创造更美好的未来, 2025. 每个部门或业务领域都确定了要完成的关键活动和要衡量的结果,以帮助mg电子试玩app实现其目标.


mg电子试玩app的规划以综合的方式在学术和非学术单位之间进行,并考虑到长期和年度需求. 按年计算, 所有学术课程, 学术支援单位, 学生服务, 行政单位参与综合规划和预算过程,旨在收集和收集来自学院各级的投入.


  • Processes—The planning processes integrates the strategic plan, 运营计划, 年度工作计划和项目审查, 学生学习评估, 以及机构和外部数据.
  • 财务——预算过程与我们的计划过程保持一致,并根据战略计划优先事项制定预算优先事项, 行动计划优先事项, 年度工作计划.
  • Structures--The integration process occurs across academic and non-academic units.
  • 人——输入, 反馈, 协作决策贯穿于整个计划和预算周期,有多种参与机会.

Saint Paul College uses an integrated planning process 支持ed by a 全面的 software sy阀杆, 被称为 战略规划在线(SPOL). SPOL是一个电子计划系统,允许战略计划的完全集成和对齐, 年度规划重点, 评估和项目评审数据, budget requests as well as priorities of the Minnesota State sy阀杆. SPOL tracks the implementation and progress of improvements to education programs, 服务, and operations in an ongoing and continuous improvement cycle.



The annual operating budget is an organizational plan stated in monetary terms. mg电子试玩app准备预算, 根据董事会政策和明尼苏达州立学院和大学系统程序计划开支和分配资金.



学院将进行规划, 预算, and decisions based on a commitment to the College’s budget planning principles:

  • Principle 1: The annual budget is informed by the annual priorities established by the College. 为了使预算过程具有战略性, 与资源分配有关的决定必须以年度规划过程为基础,并支持确定的学院优先事项.
  • Principle 2: Budget development utilizes and prioritizes decision made from a data-informed process. 预算必须平衡. 年度预算的规划必须以预期支出不超过预期收入的方式进行. 考虑对支出模式进行年度评估,包括对过去的支出决定及其对战略优先事项的影响进行严格审查.
  • 原则3:所有最终的预算决定都是基于对成本和战略优先级的公平和公正的评估. 一旦预算获得批准, departments are expected to operate within the annual budget, 除非出现不可预见的情况(e).g., state appropriations reductions, enrollment changes, unfunded mandates etc.)在一年内发生. If costs arise that were unplanned and/or unexpected, departments are expected to evaluate how the costs could be absorbed with current, available resources prior to requesting additional funds.
  • 原则4:保持透明, 及时的, 事实, and honest communication throughout the college community. 学院将及时提供有关预算和规划过程的信息和更新,包括共享治理委员会, college-wide town hall discussions and department/division 反馈.
  • Principle 5: Focus on long-term strategic outcomes. Budget and planning requires a multi-year perspective on attaining strategic objectives, 优先事项和目标.
  • Principle 6: Minimize the impact cost to students whenever possible. 预算计划是为了限制由于新举措和服务/计划而可能发生的学生额外费用. Use of one-time funds to off-set these expenses are made whenever possible.

Please see the following budget resources for more information:

If you have questions or comments about the Saint Paul College Budget process, 请发邮件到 斯科特•威尔逊.

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